Tuesday, December 07, 2004

what we must do

We will continue to need brave and self-sacrificing religious and political leaders who will endure the coming fury which will not soon subside but likely increase. We need religious and political leaders from every community who will thrust the best of their progressive traditions into the limelight without timidity.

Religious leaders must shine the spotlight on the best teachings of the great prophets and the sacred texts. We Christians must emphasize the prophetic principles of Jesus which have been submerged by Christian fundamentalists.

We religious nonconformists must take the offensive and call all fundamentalists to account on their own misuse of Scripture.

We followers of Jesus must not be ashamed to speak about his demand for a morality that values integrity, liberality and justice in the social sphere.

We cannot hide behind our commitment to the separation of church and state as an excuse for not being prophetic in the halls of Congress, in the church or in the marketplace.

We must protect the fortresses of higher learning and not be afraid but proud of being labeled as a liberal.

We must confess that we often prefer the label moderate because it is safer, not more moral.

. . . read it all: Are These the New Dark Ages?, by by G. Michael Greer, EthicsDaily.com, via Jesus Politics.


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