Sunday, November 07, 2004

connect & communicate

The more post-election analysis I hear and read, and the more I think about my own experiences here on the "blue" coast and with family and friends in "red" states like Arizona, Texas and Colorado, the more I see the need for people on both sides to listen to and talk with each other. Half the voters in the US can't be "wrong" or "stupid" or whatever you want to call the people who voted for Bush (if you didn't) or against Bush (if you did). The need for connection and communication at a profound level won't be satisfied by the current news media however, judging from their performance in the run-up to the election. This is something that will have to happen at a grassroots level. I don't know which organizations and institutions will be best suited to facilitate such a project. But, I feel certain that until it does, increasing numbers of people on both sides of the political divide will feel frustrated.

One reason I'm starting Conservative Christian is to spotlight some of news and analysis coming from the liberal, social justice-oriented Christian movement, with the hope that this may in some small way help to break down negative and hurtful stereotypes and promote mutual understanding.


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