Friday, February 18, 2005

see all of creation as God’s very large and continuous knitting project

The very world we inhabit, and that inhabits us, in this very moment is the ongoing creation of God. I am impressed by the psalmist’s imagery of our being knitted by God in our mother’s wombs. It only makes sense to extend the imagery beyond the womb and to see all of creation as God’s very large and continuous knitting project!

... Michael Lodahl, theology professor at Point Loma Nazarene University in San Diego, in Advocating the one in the theological many, Science & Theology News

Thursday, February 17, 2005

"budgets are moral documents"


On February 7, President Bush released his proposed 2006 federal budget. In addition to projecting record deficits and increases in military spending, the budget proposes major cuts to domestic programs that benefit people living in poverty.

This budget reflects a set of priorities that stand in clear opposition to biblical values. Spending more money on nuclear warheads and tax cuts that benefit the rich is not a strategy that would be affirmed by the biblical prophets-and the proposed cuts to low-income programs will not even realize the president's stated goal of reducing the deficit.

Please urge your members of Congress to consider the effect this budget will have on our nation's poor before taking a vote.

Sunday, February 06, 2005

parenting in Jesus' footsteps

To raise a child, one needs three invaluable allies: the Bible, the help of an extended family and "biblical-based resources" -- 9-inch-long spanking paddles of blue polyurethane, according to Steve Haymond from Bakersfield, who sells the paddles online for $6.50 apiece.

Twyla Bullock, in Eufaula, Okla., swears by the Rod -- a 22-inch, $5 white nylon whipping stick her husband designed and produced until recently. Named after the biblical "rod of correction," the Rod provides "a faith-based way to discipline children ... and train them as Christians," Bullock explains.

Susan Lawrence, a devout Lutheran from Arlington, Mass., is appalled.

"Christians are supposed to listen to Jesus," Lawrence said, bringing the Rod down with a thump on the seat of her living room futon and looking at the resulting dent with incredulity. "Can you imagine Jesus teaching to use the Rod?"

Corporal punishment has long been an accepted method of child discipline among evangelical and fundamentalist groups, but an increasing number of Christians are raising objections, arguing that advocates of spanking wrongly cite Scripture to justify a practice that should be banned. Lawrence, who peppers her conversation with quotes from the New Testament, says striking children defies the Golden Rule from the Gospel of Matthew: "In everything do to others as you would have them do to you."

Last year, Lawrence, 49, launched her Parenting in Jesus' Footsteps site on the Web (,), which is critical of corporal punishment being practiced by Christian parents. it all: Christian crusaders go to battle over spanking: Tools of discipline horrify some of faithful by Anna Badkhen, San Francisco Chronicle, 6 February 2005